A typical WINTER WORKDAY in Maine

I’ve been a real estate agent for 19 years. I used to work 7 days a week 24/7.

But in October 2021, I got off the treadmill to nowhere to live off the grid, out of gridlock and away from the grind.

One of my requirements when I moved to Maine was to be able to go skiing if I felt like it when I woke up.

Today I did just that.

Up at 7am. Breakfast and Bible study till 9am.

10-12, Zoot coffee shop in Camden to work: Reviewed a 304 page deposition from pathologically lying Skankmom aka my stalker/defamer.

Then I completed some Jack Reacher “cowboy shit” with corrupt police departments denying our open records/FOIA requests cuz they’re covering for their own.

Skankmom’s got po po family and lawyer connections-That’s how she’s gotten away with having me pulled over, harassed, hounded on the phone, and arrested by her police connections since 2019.

Then I hit the slopes at 12:30 for three hours.

“Pinch Me I Live in Maine”

And if you want a distraction from your life …tune into my drama.

I’ll be rolling out daily updates on www.GaslightHarmonies.com

My real life you can’t make this shit up re my defamation suit, my stalker, the suspicious death of my ex, his family’s private investigator and wrongful death suit, my hillbilly hubby’s tax and and bankruptcy frauds, body cams, false police reports, depositions and divas.

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