“I Rock Orange” my Justice for Jailbirds program supporting legal reform against wrongful incarceration


I support and advocate for innocent people who have been unjustly accused and wrongfully incarcerated for crimes they didn’t commit.

Say what you want about Trump. Insert another person in your life who has been wrongfully accused/arrested for a crime they did not commit. When I share my story about being arrested twice (yep-2 times by accusations from a person with a stalking history who lies to the police to have people locked up). I find when I share my “I Rock Orange” jail stint story with people they say “oh, I’ve been arrested and thrown in jail before.” It’s like a badge of honor for those of us law abiding, goody-2-shoes, straight A, never in trouble in school nevertheless with the law (aka ultimate narcissist target) people.

Last night’s dinner in Boston for the New England Innocence Project honored exonerees, some in prison 30+ years for crimes they didn’t commit. One mother was released after 30+ years for being accused but found innocent of killing her own daughter.

Could you imagine the grief of losing a child and then horror of being accused of killing them? My accuser has lied to police/people that I abused/hit my 2 children (completely false). My defamation lawyers are crushing them in court They and their “flying monkeys” are unraveling. The flying monkeys unfortunately by supporting my accuser have legal consequences now they hadn’t figured on. Careful who you support and what you say.

A Boston Globe reporter was honored for his work giving media coverage to these voices that once they are locked up, go unheard.

“Sometimes bad things happen to good people so that good things can happen to more people”. It’s my passion to share stories of people who are locked up, give them a voice and share success stories when the innocent are released. My goal is to raise $$$ to fund more lawyers for the New England Innocence Project to take more cases.

There can be over 2000 inmates in each of our 50 states who are locked up although proven innocent (DNA evidence, eye witness accounts refuted). Most when released are given NO MONEY. I want to raise funds for these folks and change laws requiring all states to compensate these people for their lost years.

Please have anyone you know reach out to me who feels their story needs to be heard. I will be sharing on my Gaslight Harmonies and “I Rock Orange” programs (websites in development below).

It’s time we have criminal justice reform. STOP innocent people from being arrested and becoming scape goats for the real criminals who when left unchallenged go on to commit more crimes against innocent victims.

If one strong person stands up against gaslighting bullies then think of all the other people they can save from becoming victims of these evil people.

And remember …
“God is good even when the world and people in it are not.”


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