“I Rock Orange”my Justice for Jailbirds program supporting legal reform against wrongful incarceration.

GoFundMe for exoneree released with no money after 22 yrs for crime he DIDN’T COMMIT. His fundraisers are only asking for $15,000. Can you help?


Please help support this gentleman in Georgia who was was just released after being in prison for 22 years for a crime he did not commit and was proven to be innocent of 22 years ago.

He went home to Rome, Georgia last week, celebrated at a local restaurant.

Most of you know I am a big supporter of the Georgia Innocence Project and started my “I Rock Orange” program because of my two unjust arrests in 2019 & 2020 caused by stalker who likes to fabricate that they have stalkers. I was unjustly jailed twice, served 3 days each. The longest days of my life, in 2 of the most notoriously heinous jails in Georgia, DeKalb and Fulton. I too was in the Rice Street jail, the same one Donald Trump, Rudy Giliani and all their legal peeps got their mug shots in recently. Neither jail are pretty.

Can you imagine serving a sentence for 22+ years in conditions like this knowing you were innocent?

Georgia is one of very few states left that does not compensate “exonerees” released prisoners who have had been in prison for crimes they did not commit. It’s unconscionable that these people have lost most of their lives, come out penniless and neither the state nor the judicial system give them any money to start over.

Georgia Innocence Project works diligently on a daily basis to change this. But until then, please spread the word, donate what you can to this individual who has weathered an injustice most of us could not even imagine.

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