“If you quit telling lies about me, I won’t tell the truth about you”


Mitchell Tennpenny

Country Music Boys say it Best

This truly is the definition of gaslighting by a narcissist.

But … a narcissist (yes ALWAYS) eventually crumbles under the weight of their own lies when you expose them for who they are (weak, pathetic, insecure, bully) NOT the person they purport themselves to be.

And how do you do this? By asking them questions about who/what/where they are doing everything. They get what I love to call “verbal diarrhea” and they lie, lie, lie did I stutter? NOPE – it’s comical actually.

If you don’t lie, you don’t have to have a good memory. When a narcissist tries to tell the truth (since they have none) they can’t remember what they lied about and the histrionics get academy award winning-Amber Heard did her best performance (she thought) and good ole sweet Johnny handed her a “Jesus butt whoopin!” to the tune of $millions

My legal team and I are
enjoying doing the same.

Stay tuned …



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