Empowering Survivors
of Gaslighting

Gaslight and the Gaslighter

... just plain ”Crazy Making”

We show you how to EXTINGUISH the GASLIGHT and the GASLIGHTER by REIGNITING your flame. 

“God is good even when the world and people in it are not.”

Empowering Survivors of GASLIGHTING

”I’ve been in board rooms, ballgowns & behind bars.”

Follow along in real time, a ripped-from-the-headlines real life tale of one woman’s fight for her life against gaslighting narcissists, domestic violence abusers, con artists, perjurers, extortionists, squatters, stalkers and possible murderers. 

Follow along in real time as a Matchmaker.com “made in heaven” marriage turns into a “date with the devil”. A harrowing escape from this “Match Mad Man” takes our heroine to hell and back. Becky Malone is a California-New England-Southern gal, a real estate mogul in Atlanta and creative force behind her own home “revival” company called Redneck Renovators where she states..

“We REVIVE homes and create spaces for wasting time.” 

See how her con man husband Scooter Coyote’s evil schemes are no match for this petite powerhouse. Having met him online on Matchmaker.com, she immediately becomes a victim of narcissist abuse, the purest form of evil as he “love bombs” her. She naively believes his lies and marries him 6 months later. He  becomes secretive, mentally unstable and after just one year of marriage, at gunpoint he violently demands a divorce and her money. 

“I’m the nicest person in the world until you piss me off. It takes A LOT to piss me off. I’m a Taurus and Italian. If you’ve pissed me off, you’ve done something illegal, immoral or unethical.”

Her diabolical divorce ignites the jealous rage of maniacal Trinity (Lesser) Ducati, the 20 year-younger, gold-digging wife of self proclaimed Wall Street tycoon Byron “Fatboy” Ducati, Becky’s “Harley hiccup hubby”, father to her daughter Capri and son Carson. Byron naively thought sexually deviant Trinity would be the solution to his balding, lack of libido neediness in his mid-life crisis.

Unsightly Trinity, with her frizzy, stringy Brazilian blown out over-died greasy ebony hair. This might be overkill but it was necessary to hide her natural blonde she was as Charlotte, her “other” personality that got her into so much trouble. Her unsightly face, pimple scarred is the polar opposite to Becky with her porcelain skin, cascade of captivating golden curls and “fun bubble” personality. 

It is obvious to Trinity that Byron still loves and misses Becky desperately. He even calls Becky’s gift of gab, “Passion for Communication” where she created a widely successful public relations company with the name and sexy logo.

As a covert malignant narcissist sociopath with a hidden stalking history, Trinity attempts to assimilate into Becky’s socialite life. She becomes Byron’s mistress but after 10+ years of sitting on the sidelines crossing over state lines in New Hampshire, Florida and Georgia, she traps him into marriage by becoming his caretaker in a out of nowhere terminal medical diagnosis.  In dramatic long winded emails designed to elicit sympathy and attention (narc supply), Byron is unable to convince anyone of the validity of the stage 4 pancreatic cancer diagnosis. 

Things just don’t add up … He has no idea what is really happening to his body and mind. 

Because of his out of the blue near death cancer story,  people start to question the diagnosis. They can’t believe he announces his “stage 4 cancer” on the eve of his daughter’s High School graduation. Becky has just grabbed Peet’s Coffee with her daughter Capri on their way to shop for graduation dresses when Byron texts their daughter. Capri is uncontrollably sobbing when Becky eyes Trinity’s car parked next to hers, as she frequently did. Trinity was always showing up next to her in town, at the UPS store, the dog groomers, Kroger with a “Hi Becky”. The woman was so creepy and starting to scare her with her stalking-like behavior. 

Shifting her focus back to Capri and desperately trying to make a mad dash before Trinity shows up, Capri reads the text out loud from her father. Becky can see through his bullshit as he passive aggressively tells her his cancer is so rare that he only has a 5% survival rate. Capri is hysterical and loses any interest in her graduation, the event she waited 18 years for. Minutes before she had been on top of the world. 

Becky can’t believe Byron could take the spotlight away from his daughter. 21 years of making everything about him. Ok, so maybe he did have cancer. Couldn’t he have waited until after graduation day to tell her?  After their divorce 3 years prior, Becky was so happy to be free from 21 years of his dramatic self centered BS. 

Did she believe he was really sick? No … and she wasn’t the only one. 

With suspicion mounting over Trinity‘s control of Byron’s  health, she fears authorities will unearth a similar “cancer“ diagnosis and suspicious death of a former fiancé  in New Hampshire. As she starts to spiral under the pressure to maintain her innocence, her plan to ”control” Byron‘s healthy care goes awry. She reacts carelessly to a visit from the local police who were responding to a neighbor’s tip about her smoking and supplying marijuana, elicit drugs and alcohol to her stepson and his high school buddies at her home while Byron is traveling. Her thing on the side was about to be found out. 

How could she have gotten so careless? How could she have underestimated Becky, she was such an easy target. But Trinity’s  anxiety, insecurities and paranoia about her real identity (her schizophrenia as “Charlotte” one of her multiple personalities) and her past being found out. Her former husband, the bad checks, the 10 speeding tickets, her arrests, the stripper gigs was becoming debilitating.  Her addiction to legal and illegal drugs was getting tougher to hide. 

She was having a harder time hiding the large sums of money missing from Byron’s bank account. He was questioning what and where was she spending all of their money?

Trinity can’t accept that Becky is wildly popular in Farmwoody, this affluent small town north of Atlanta. As an outsider with Becky in the picture, Trinity will never be accepted at Westminster, her step children’s private school or the Farmwoody Country Club where Becky is a popular member. Trinity will NEVER be accepted amongst the wealthy, glamorous Farmwoody housewives, something she will never be, having grown up labeled “white trash” in trailer parks as a child.in South Georgia

Trinity devises a deadly plan to eliminate Becky that backfires sending flames of fury into her facade of a life, exposing her narcissism, lies about her background and who she really is – a stalker and a possible killer. 

“ I live a princess fairy tale life, most days I just need to adjust my tiara.”

“ I live a princess fairy tale life, most days I just need to adjust my tiara.”

“You mistook my silence as a setback. Like a race car, I was just revving my engine to take my final victory lap.” Leianne

“You mistook my silence as a setback. Like a race car, I was just revving my engine to take my final victory lap.”


Trinity is obsessively jealous of Byron’s still burning flame for Becky. She had been able to lure him with her sexual perversions, lies and feeding his aging libido, balding, overweight body and bruised middle-age ego.

She digs her narcissist claws into the married but willing Mr Ducati at Tiger, the strip club/bar in Tampa where they met in 2007.

Byron frequented strip clubs with Wall Street clients but Becky was unaware he had hooked up with a stripper from one. Once “bitten”, Mr Ducati is “smitten” and the two devise a plan to get rid of his wife to save him from having to pay her $1,000,000.00 in their divorce settlement.

“I’m a kind person. I’m kind to everyone. But if kindness is not what you show me, kindness is not what you are going to remember me for.” – Al Capone 

This small-town drama north of Atlanta is straight out of a “made for TV, DATELINE, 20/20 episode”. What you see behind these wealthy front doors isn’t always pretty – it’s perfection on the outside, destruction on the inside.

“Mine’s not the most organized life, but I’m the most satisfied.”

“Mine’s not the most organized life, but I’m the most satisfied.”

Becky will be trapped, set up wrongfully accused, arrested and jailed twice based on Trinity & Byron’s lies on 911 calls, stalking and trapping her at La Crème, the local Farmwoody coffee shop. 

Just when you think Becky is locked away and crippled by the weight of all of this miscarriage of justice, watch how she exposes Trinity and Byron’s lies to the police on phone recordings, body cams, texts from La Crema owners and police interrogation rooms (video to be released soon). 


Follow along as Becky’s skillful team of lawyers uncovers Trinity’s web of lies, deviant past and the victims she’s left in her wake. She will stop at nothing to hide her real past – her covert malignant narcissist sociopath diagnosis, her stalking people yet claiming to be stalked. Zeak, her former fiance she said was stalking her but he’s been telling people it was Trinity who was dangerously stalking him, sending him creepy threatening letters in the mail. He sent the letters to the Georgia Bureau of Investigation for fingerprints. She needs to intercept before they find out it’s her who has been sending them to him. She hadn’t thought of her fingerprints getting her caught. 

Trinity’s uncontrolled rages and altercations with Peet’s Coffee barristas that finally get her thrown out of the coffee shop. 

The top trait of a female narcissist is creating false attacks, stalkers, assaults and drama to gain attention especially from a needy male . Byron loves drama, he’s therapeutically “needy” and loves to feel “needed”. But after an attempt to distance himself from her, Trinity smashes a champagne glass on the table, shattering the glass and her hand. He rushes her to the emergency room and now realizes he has lost his only hope of ridding himself of her. 

How could he get her out of his life when she is clearly suicidal or worse … diabolical, dangerous and deadly?

He thought Trinity was his “dream girl” and his cure to his depression since he thought Becky was “the only thing that depresses me” as he told a marriage counselor once when diagnosed with manic depression (narcs blame others). 

This “dream girl” has now become his worst “nightmare.” He was starting to doubt her claims of being stalked and abused in her previous marriage. She “confided” this to him within minutes of that “chance” meeting at the strip club while he was still married. He was at little too old for her she was still in her 30’s and fancied herself the vixen. 

He was handsome enough, a little pudgy for a Wall Street exec with a country club membership but the ring on his finger and the Rolex watch on his wrist made him the ultimate target. Rich and willing to commit.  

“If you don’t lie, you don’t have to have a good memory."

“If you don’t lie, you don’t have to have a good memory.”
“Sometimes bad things happen to good people so that good things can happen to more people”

"Sometimes bad things happen to good people so that good things can happen to more people"

This battle is far from over, her “mess” becomes her message her “test” her “testimony”. 

Becky’s mission is that her dangerous, deadly, horrifying story will help


She’ll help you get out from under the deadly fangs/clutches of a narcissist and spot red flags when meeting one for the first time and draw a boundary of protection around their low frequency.

She’ll show you the warning signs and narcissists traits they use to con you

· charisma

· charming personality

· obsessive adoration or “love bombing”

· smear campaigns

· flying monkeys

· gaslighting

Engaging, connecting, befriending and heaven forbid “falling in love” with a narcissist can lead to a story as deadly as hers.

Stay tuned for Becky’s up to the minute-real time, daily onslaught of “gaslighting” by her narc attackers. They’ll attempt to annihilate her with their “smear campaigns”  false accusations, lies, perjury including their lawyers, courts. 

The narcs will gather their “flying monkeys” – their lawyers, friends, even Becky’s children as pawns in their twisted parental alienation and desperate need to fuel their “narc supply”

Becky leaps from victim to victorious using her creative/comical expertise in public relations, marketing and media to deal blows, they don’t even see their demise/destruction coming head on. 

As good as they are at being bad, Becky is better at being good. She cranks up what she calls “Jesus Justice or Righteous Retribution” and delivers a “Jesus butt whoopin” on her attackers. 

Let's work together

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 Becky Malone (Coyote), Scooter Coyote, Byron Ducati, Trinity (Lesser) Ducati, Race Bidet, Kamber Alice “Tennessee Tart“, Garrick Alternator, Jeffers Ferjackass, Tasha Kaye “is baked” Birdie, AdriAnne Birdie “Hot Sauce” Dawson, Kareena “needs” a Barber and more to come!

THE QUACKS – The mentally unstable treating the mentally stable

 Tatiana of Farmwoody, Blue Ridge View Psych Ward.

THE FIRMS – Lawyers are Leeches & Liars

Beavis, Kyle, Meddlesome & Butthead “I need TP for my caselaw cuz it’s shitty”, Charles Meddlesome, Laurel “I’ve never had a deposition end like this” Barrette, Kuschner & O’So-many wrongs to be righted, Wayne Moronsome, Kentucky Kevin Fryin, Joe Benihana Hibachi, Timothy “beat cop” Rainman, Barbara so Keen on myself, Julie I love myself More, Kushner and Slimy Law Firm.

“Don’t let somebody’s bad behavior change your good behavior.”

“Don’t let somebody’s bad behavior change your good behavior.”

The Waiver

Famous Family

While the actual events of this story may be based on real people, places and events, this story is “FANTASY NON FICTION” and a “MEMOIRY’  … part truth or what I remember and just plain fun for the talented writer to write. I’m on the back 9 of 50, forgive me if my version isn’t your version or if you think you (or a version of you) was important enough to have made it into MY STORY. At my age, and after all of my abuse, the brain and memory can be fried. The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any reference or likeness to real people (fat or skinny), dates, places, activities, locations, court cases, depositions, arrests, police body cams, police reports, addresses, personal information and stupid things people put in writing via texts, emails or say on recorded voicemails. It’s all public – feel free to get your own copy.
“Media attention is way more satisfying than litigation”
It’s amazing what you can find on the internet these days and it doesn’t matter if it’s true. Whoever says it first is always right and wins! Just ask our government or any narcissist. A LIE = false narrative followed by a smear campaign Things may have been changed to protect the identity of anyone and anything with the story – I think they call that “fictitious”. Must have been that Caldecott Award I won in 1st grade. I was destined to use my “Passion for Communication” (or big mouth) to spread the word about abuse and abusive people.
“If you don’t lie, you don’t have to have a good memory.”
If anyone has a problem with any of this, do as you might to try to claim ownership of it, sorry … I’m a smart chick and well versed in legal ease and my little brother invented the #hashtag. Yep, true story, www.ChrisMessina.me. Look it up. He got the brains, I got the mouth. .

Famous Friends

I am a public relations and marketing expert, patent holder, 2 degree (Political Science and Fashion Design), writer, author, educator chick. I’m not as dumb as my bouncy blonde curls make me look and way smarter than the average narcissist. Some of my best friends are in the entertainment, book publishing, www.AnnaDavid.com and public arena. They are rooting for me and will do anything to help me get my two children back, away from gaslighting narcissists and the truth told about my stalkers and jail time. My not 1 but 2 unjust arrests (yep-I rocked 2 of the most deadly/dangerous jails in Atlanta) were based on trumped up/false/baseless/no evidence, perjury, lying by my now suspiciously dead ex and persons with stalking backgrounds associated with him. We have 7 false police reports my stalker (yep count em and there are more coming we will publish) where they claim amongst many outlandish narcissist stories (they are the most creative liars) car keying, “suspicious” packages delivered to their home (my daughter’s care package), “2 Black Men in a Dodge Durango caught trying to steal their mailbox from their video monitored neighborhood and ring doorbelll recorded home, cryptic mail and postcards sent from this allegedly “victim” to create drama, justification for police attention. This person should be arrested for not only racially profiling but lying to a police officer is a misdemeanor punishable by 1 year in jail. So 7 police reports = 7 years. Stay tuned … charges to come. They’ll look fab in orange! My ex was warned about gold diggers. Told he’d be dead or broke within 5 years. He’s now dead, the  kids not allowed to stay/kicked out of his/their dad’s home (daughter’s bedroom redecorated, not allowed to come home from college) for his funeral. He’s cremated in a nano-second (to hide something?) and the “not grieving widow” is about to be loaded, But recent depos exposed BOLOS (be on the lookout), questionable and scandalous relations with PO PO, prosecutorial pals and unethical and/or lawyer illegalities. It’ll get you when you cheat on your wife with a covert malignant narcissist sociopath with textbook bipolar disorder. You should have asked her first husband and two former fiance’s. They barely made it out alive. Stay tuned for “I ROCK ORANGE” my “Justice for Jailbirds” program. I advocate for justice for the wrongly accused/incarcerated. And there is libel insurance that my great friends at Allstate provide for us writers. “Media attention is WAY more satisfying than litigation.” Big hugs!

Leianne Messina The author of this survival story

Leianne and Belinda 1995ish...

Leianne and dear friend of 30+ years Belinda Irons of San Francisco Top Models & Talent Agency, www.SFTopTalent.com

Mid Coast of Maine, USA

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