LAWYERS ARE LIARS … unless they aren’t

My love language is NOT words of affirmation. I live on a farm in Maine. I used to live in what most of the world would call “mansions” in Atlanta, Florida, California, Oregon.

My love languages are quality time and acts of service. My boyfriend knows I’m kept happy by stoking my wood stove so I don’t freeze and my driveway shoveled on the “Frozen Tundra” I affectionally call Maine.

When LAWYER OF THE YEAR 2023 award is bestowed to 2 lawyers from the New England Innocence Project it is not only justified but about time they are acknowledged for their tireless work to FREE WRONGFULLY IMPRISONED MEN AND WOMEN.

With my I Rock Orange “Justice for Jailbirds” program, I advocate for innocent people who have been unjustly accused and wrongfully incarcerated for crimes they didn’t commit. It is my goal to raise $ for the Innocence Projects in all 50 states.

It costs approx $65,000 for them to add one more lawyer to their staff, $5000 per DNA test that can help exonerate one innocent person. Some of these people have been in prison 5, 10, 20, 45 years for crimes they didn’t commit. It is estimated that there are over 2000 people in each of our 50 states that are wrongfully incarcerated. That’s 100,000 people.

After I was wrongfully accused and unjustly arrested twice and spent time in two of the most heinous jails in Atlanta (yep-the same Trump and Fulton County soap opera Fani Mills jail), I too know what it’s like to be a victim of a corrupt penal and legal system.

So hats off to these lawyers and those who voted for them to be LAWYERS OF THE YEAR.

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