We all love and hate zoom. “Love” for the convenience of being able to “meet” in your pajamas and “hate” for those of us who are huggers and love in person social connections.

Monday through Friday 1-2pm I’m in the company of some seriously amazing authors, poets, memoirists, writers, screenwriters, movie directors from all over the world-that’s the wonder of zoom.

We commit to writing during this time, share writing/publishing advice (and just plain life advice) and we hold eachother accountable to goals/timelines for getting our book published.

Tim Gager is the grand poobah of our group and a #1 Bestselling Author, has published 18 books of fiction and poetry, including latest novel, “Joe the Salamander”.

He and I met up last night in Portland, Maine where he was reading his latest from “Best of Timothy Gager: Poems, Essays, and Stories”. He drove up from Massachusetts.

I love how Tim and his fellow poets have opened me up to a new appreciation for poetry. Very zen for my ADHD.

So much fun to be in the same room and NOT in our pajamas.

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