ATLANTA news stations to cover the Sandy Springs Police Department granting me an internal affairs investigation involving misconduct by one of their own officers and having me falsely arrested twice.

I’m finally getting justice! I have been contacted by Fox 5TV Atlanta and WSBTV Channel 2 Atlanta to cover my internal affairs investigation opened with the Sandy Springs Police Department involving one of their own officers. This is regarding evidence released on a body cam showing their officer “coached” a witness to file a false police report against me because she had no real evidence to file one which is illegal and a criminal offense punishable by jail.

WSBTV contacted me this morning to come down to the Sandy Springs police station for a media inquiry/press conference with all parties involved. I had to decline, since I live in Maine logistically that would be very difficult, although I desperately wanted to jump on the next plane to get the word out and this story covered.

I offered to be interviewed over zoom.

I am working out the details.

Stay tuned … literally.
I help victims of gaslighting & narcissist abuse (parental alienation, domestic violence, stalking) reigniting their flame by extinguishing the gaslight and eliminating the gaslighter.

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