Depose a narcissist and you are guaranteed to unravel them.

A “lying narcissist” is a redundant statement. They are pathological liars.

Your best legal strategy against their gaslighting, smear campaigns, flying monkeys is to get them in front of a camera (they LOVE talking about themselves) for a deposition. And bring popcorn … cuz the Amber Heard performance is Oscar worthy.

It’s comical to watch since all they do is lie. They don’t even remember what they lied about so they have to keep lying about things that they lied about before.

I taught my 2 children, “If you don’t lie, you don’t have to have a good memory.” Their dad taught them, “Lie lie til you die!” He died May 26, 2022 at 56. How’d that work for him?

And make sure you are documenting the deposition. Pay for a court reporter/transcript.

Testimony doesn’t lie, or the testimoniar (word?) isn’t legally supposed to lie (they a swarn under oath) but all narcs do is lie so they hand you the best legal strategy to win any case you have against them.

Have a very skilled LAWYER get it out of them with questions they have no idea are exposing all of their lies-they are just bragging about themselves.

“Jesus Justice” is sweet.

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