Personal Coaching

“I know, I can’t be the only oneWho’s holding on for dear lifeBut God knows, I knowWhen it’s all said and doneI’m not okayBut it’s all gonna be alrightIt’s not okayBut we’re all gonna be alright”
gaslight harmonies

One on One Coaching with Leianne

I got into coaching or what I like to refer to as your CHEERLEADER, LIFE RE-DESIGNER & ACCOUNTABILITY PARTNER  because I thought traditional therapy was basically useless. I talked, they nodded, said nothing, offered nothing and took everything … my time, my money and my sanity. 

What they did get was my acceptance of  the “racket” that traditional western (here in the States) “therapy” can be .  And they wanted to OVER diagnose and label patients  with zero validation/evidence (see above their “assessment” style) simply because if they can pigeon hole and label you (take your pick) manic depressive, bipolar, ADD, ADHD, borderline personality, antisocial and on and on, blah blah blah and then drug you ($$$$).  They purport to understand narcissist abuse yet most therapists I found to be narcs themselves. 

“Most people don’t care about you, but the ones who do care the most.”

“Most people don’t care about you, but the ones who do care the most.”

Someone suffering from narcissist abuse, parental alienation, stalking, gaslighting, covert coercion and domestic violence probably has PTSD and/or CPTSD if you still have to deal with your abuser, the narcissist. You are NOT the crazy one who needs diagnosing, the NARC IS THE CRAZY MAKING ONE.  I’m not a therapist, I’m just a survivor willing to share how I survived and got out of and away from the dangerous and destructive narcissists in my life.   

Think about it … how many of your friends, family, coworkers etc have a “personal therapist” on speed dial or psychologist or psychiatrist (the only people who can prescribe meds and you have to pay them $100-300 an hour to get a prescription or refill) have been seeing the same “doctor/therapist” for years?   How’s that working for them? … as Dr Phil says. Who’s that helping? You? I’d say not. Your therapist’s kids private school/college or a condo in Florida? 

Yep-getting or being healthy doesn’t pay In traditional medicine so why really try to help your  patients get well with Mindfulness practices, somatic breathing, binaural beats, meditation, self care, grief care, plant medicine,  real “to do” accountability strategies/lists, psych K, stress relieving practices, legal/professional/financial help and insight to stop the things that cause you to seek “therapy” in the first place.  

I’ve  walked in your shoes. I’ve been a victim of narcissist abuse, parental alienation, stalking, domestic violence, wrongful imprisonment and victimized by our “UNJUST” justice system that was supposed to protect me: lawyers, therapists, judges, police officers and yes -family & friends.   

Sound familiar?  Then we should talk if you really want help getting “well” or what I call  “MINDFULWELLNESS”.

Group Coaching : you, me and our tribe

They say “misery loves company”- just kidding. But unless somebody has walked a mile in your shoes which is recovering from and dealing with a narcissist, I really don’t think they’re qualified to help you. Would you go to a marriage counselor who has never been married? I have fallen in love with this group therapy concept. It’s also selfishly comforting to know that somebody elses life is even more messed up than ours.

“Sometimes you need to go back to a place and time where you can validate who you were so that you don’t accept the current bullshit version of yourself.”


“Sometimes you need to go back to a place and time where you can validate who you were so that you don’t accept the current bullshit version of yourself.”

Group Coaching you, me and our tribe


Private coaching via zoom


participate with others in this group zoom forum.

Heal from Gaslighting & Narcissist Abuse Trauma

Music Therapy on YouTube Binaural Beats, Frequency & Energy Healing

 Search “binaural beats” or “frequency” on YouTube then any ailment you want to heal: For example …happiness, stress (dopamine/serotonin, oxytocin), anxiety, depression, digestion, motivation, study, focus, brain damage, concussion, subconscious program, appendicitis, inflammation, PTSD, grief, constipation, Lupus, fibromyalgia, cancer, peace, sleep, ADD, OCD, creativity, brain fog, memory, concentration, anger, addiction, releasing trapped emotions, headache, muscle repair, body ache, cold, flu, sinus congestion, bible white noise, spiritual warfare, any addiction (heroin, cocaine, meth) etc … you name it.

Traditional medicines address the symptoms and shut down communication by numbing your brain (pain “killers”) which makes no sense.

Your “pain”’ are  “symptoms” – your body telling you something is wrong/isn’t getting the proper signal. You need your brain to tell your body what to do based on the “pain/ailment”. You and your brain are a lot smarter than you think but you I’ve let “doctors” with zero nutrition/breath/oxygen/music/energy training tell you how to be well. Why do you think people seek out holistic medical methods instead of surgery, and harmful drugs to “kill” your conditions. Unfortunately, traditional medicine has it the opposite. Your brain is simply a computer. You tell it what to do by what you watch, hear, say, and chest. 

The sound communicates with your energy/spine/your brain. 

These “frequencies” stimulate and subconsciously send instructions/signals to your brain to communicate with your central nervous system to tell your body what to do to heal itself, send oxygen/blood flow to the spot needing healing.

 When you click on the YouTube link for whatever you want solved, once you get the hang of it (simply don’t overthink it, just play them) you can feel it in your “energy” in your body, called “tingles” or blood flow, chakras.
Regarding substance abuse, this is a free/no med therapy way for an addict to get a similar “high” in your body as you can search heroin, meth, cocaine, marijuana etc and it will mimic how these drugs make you feel (confident, euphoria) with NO ingestion of them.
It’s why spas play relaxing music (peace) and jails/ inmates play aggressive music-cuz incarceration/addiction pays. But that’s for another talk.
This has been life changing for me in my healing from PTSD/gallstones/hi blood pressure/thyroid issues and all the stress/anxiety/fear brought on by gaslighting.

“I find joy on my property and at my table not on the interstate and the Internet.”

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