AI – Artificial Intelligence creates COURTROOM CHAOS from BOGUS DOCS


“My little brother invented the hashtaghashtag. And why I wish he hadn’t” will be one of my next posts. hashtagChrisMessina

Yep, look it up. Ask Siri or google, “Who invented the hashtag?“ they’ll tell you “Chris Messina” from NH, Carnegie Mellon grad (NOT the actor). He got the brains, I got the big mouth. He’s been in the AI space from its inception. He’s done gigs for Mozilla Firefox, Google, & much more. Way over my head. For tech nerds, check out his stuff on where he covers everything new and invests in the “next thing” in tech.

I posted this week about AI in court and how it will replace humans. I thought it was a positive thing and could eliminate perjury, something I’ve been a victim of. This article shows how scary this is already. Lawyers, plaintiffs and defendants are creating fake docs using AI, make up case law, and the court may not catch because they don’t check either.

I have been a victim of this, false accusations against me in my cases. Scary, you can be thrown in jail with AI FALSIFIED DOCS and NO EVIDENCE.

Coming soon, my “I Rock Orange – Justice For Jailbirds”program, helping those wrongfully accused & incarcerated.

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