“That’s why I never liked you.”
Leianne’s’s father spoken to Leianne
Get to know
Becky Malone (Coyote), Scooter Coyote, Byron Ducati, Trinity (Lesser) Ducati, Race Bidet, Kamber Alice “Tennessee Tart“, Garrick Alternator, Jeffers Ferjackass, Tasha Kaye “is baked” Birdie, AdriAnne Birdie “Hot Sauce” Dawson, Kareena “needs” a Barber and more to come!
THE QUACKS – The mentally unstable treating the mentally stable
Tatiana of Farmwoody, Blue Ridge View Psych Ward.
THE FIRMS – Lawyers are Leeches & Liars
Beavis, Kyle, Meddlesome & Butthead “I need TP for my caselaw cuz it’s shitty”, Charles Meddlesome, Laurel “I’ve never had a deposition end like this” Barrette, Kuschner & O’So-many wrongs to be righted, Wayne Moronsome, Kentucky Kevin Fryin, Joe Benihana Hibachi, Timothy “beat cop” Rainman, Barbara so Keen on myself, Julie I love myself More, Kushner and Slimy Law Firm.