I used to have the most beautiful office when I worked for Sotheby’s in Atlanta. But I never used it because I have ADHD, I talk too much and get nothing done.

When I started my life over in Maine in 2021, one of my requirements was to be able to decide in the morning that I wanted to ski that day.

Unfortunately today “skiing” means I’m living vicariously through my boyfriend. I’m at Saddleback in Rangely Maine, one of the most beautiful skiing locations in the country.

But when you face plant on your own driveway on the ice trying to grab your 120lb Bernese Mountain Dog and you tear a ligament in your arm and pop a rib, this chick is getting too old to recover easily.

So here I sit with a Cosmo “working”. I’ll be gathering the 400 pages of evidence and drafting the documents my lawyer needs for the (9) criminal charges we are filing of lying to police/filing false police reports by my stalker and working with my assistants on my

I’m rolling out a new blog, book/movie previews and the up to the minute real time court side drama as we catch this gaslighting narcissist in her own lies.

The fall of a narc is inevitable because they cave under the weight of their own lies. They can’t remember what they lied about because EVERYTHING a narcissist says is a lie. Lies become evidence in depositions, on videos of the deposition (body language: excessive blinking, fidgeting, playing with hair = lying), on transcripts, texts, emails, police body cams and police reports.

“Pinch Me I Live in Maine” and you wish you did too.
I help victims of gaslighting/narcissist abuse EXTINGUISH THE GASLIGHT & THE GASLIGHTER

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